
My experience with oxytocin..

I can still remember the time when I gave birth to my precious daughter. It was August, my due month and I cannot wait to see how my baby would look like. I waited for this for nine months and I did not expect it will be all of a sudden.

August 9, 2010 11:45pm
As month passes by, my sleeping position is getting a lil complicated.
That night I woke up in the middle of the night trying to position myself to sleep.
I changed my position and suddenly there was a rush of water flowing down my thighs.
I thought it was just nothing but it didn't stop so I got up from bed and call the attention of my family.
Just as I expected, my water bag broke and it was the time I have been waiting for so long.
We rushed to the hospital and the long awaited giving birth process is really happening now.

August 10,2010 12:30am
I was not really at ease when it comes to being hospitalized.
I'm afraid of needles, the smell of hospitals makes me sick and lastly,
I don't know what to do with myself and my unborn child.

The attending physician came in and asked me vital questions.
I told her my water bag broke but I didn't feel anything.
And there goes the problem. She told me I need to undergo forced labor.
If I didn't go forced labor, I will be having caesarian  section way of giving birth.
I was clueless about what was happening and I entrusted my life and my baby to my doctor.

Doctor came in my room and injected drugs like oxytocin.
I know what oxytocin is but I am not sure how my body would react to it.
At first it felt nothing but as time passes by, I felt a lil' contraction.

I don't know if I remembered it right but I think they come every after 2 hours to injectoxytocin. It was really painful and I swear to God it was the worse feeling I don't ever want to experience again.
The pain is not tolerable!
:( The pain radiates from hips to the sacral and lumbar area. This was the time when every after 5-10minutes the contractions are getting strong. SO painful!
Just imagine I had undergone forced labor 2am-12noon.

August 10, 12:17pm
I know it was the time to give birth.
I prepared myself to push  my baby out of my tummy.
And there it goes, my  beautiful baby is out.
All the pain was gone in an instant. Seeing her was worth all the pain. <3
Giving birth was easy for me but labor pains is the worst feeling you're ever gonna get.

**Repost from my Pharmacy Informatics class (SY 2012-2013, 1st Semester)